April 2023

Професия археолог - учен на терен!

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

На 25 април 2023г. в зала 40 на Ректората се състоя кариерно събитие на Исторически факултет на тема "Професия археолог - учен на терен!". Доц. д-р Венета Ханджийска, директор на Регионален исторически музей на София, гл. ас. д-р Георги Сенгалевич и д-р Михал Холешчак от Словакия разказаха на присъстващите за своя кариерен път, интересните моменти в работата си и предизвикателствата, които срещат.

Специалист търговска и маркетинг администрация

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

„Гебр. Хайнеман България“ ООД, част от ВМ Финанс Груп, е един от лидерите на международния травъл ритейл пазар. Ние предлагаме богато портфолио от продукти, групирани в няколко категории – парфюмерия и козметика, спиртни напитки и вина, захарни изделия, аксесоари (бижута, часовници, очила, кожени изделия и играчки), традиционни български храни и сувенири и тютюневи изделия. От 2014г., ние от „Гебр. Хайнеман България“ ООД развиваме концепция „ TRAVEL FREE“ – верига гранични магазини .

Международен младежки обмен по Програма "Еразъм+"

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

Националния център за младежка информация и международна младежка мобилност Ви кани да се включите в международен младежки обмен по Програма "Еразъм+".

Проектът е на екологична тематика и ще се реализира в к.к. Слънчев бряг в периода 29 април (ден за пристигане) и 7 май (ден за отпътуване).

ECB Scholarship for women

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

ECB Scholarship for women

What is on offer?

  • 15 scholarships of €10,000
  • 3-day study visit to the ECB
  • mentoring by an ECB employee
  • introduction to the ECB’s Women in Leadership network

Who can apply?

You can apply if you meet all of these criteria:

NON Technical Student Internship – Sofia 2023 Blue Journey- IBM

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


At IBM, work is more than a job – it’s a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you’ve never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world’s most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.

Your Role and Responsibilities

Technical Student Internship – Sofia 2023 Blue Journey - IBM

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


At IBM, work is more than a job – it’s a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you’ve never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world’s most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.

Your Role and Responsibilities

Finance Traineeship Program - IBM

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


Known as the ‘knowledge behind the numbers’, Financial Analysts are considered to be trusted business advisors, working within IBM’s business units and geographies, as well as in a myriad of specialized corporate functions. IBM’s finance organization is instrumental in driving innovative improvements to global financial processes while providing measurable value to the business.

Your Role and Responsibilities

SAP Consultant Internship Program - IBM

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


In this role, you’ll work in one of our IBM Consulting Client Innovation Centers (Delivery Centers), where we deliver deep technical and industry expertise to a wide range of public and private sector clients around the world.​ Our delivery centers offer our clients locally based skills and technical expertise to drive innovation and adoption of new technology.

System Z Developer Intern - IBM

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


At IBM, work is more than a job – it’s a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you’ve never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world’s most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.

Your Role and Responsibilities
