October 2021

The European Central Bank traineeship campaign in the Business Cycle Analysis Division and the Prices and Costs Division

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

We are seeking recent graduates for our 2022 traineeship programme. You will be assigned to one of the following two divisions within the Directorate General Economics according to business needs and your preferences.

Младши производствен технолог в "Оргахим" АД

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

“ОРГАХИМ“АД е една от най-големите химически компании в Югоизточна Европа с дългогодишна история в производството на бои, мазилки, лакове и смоли. Във връзка с разрастване на дейността си фирмата търси да назначи подходящ кандидат на длъжността:


Financial Settlement Analyst at Axpo Bulgaria

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

For our growing team located in Sofia, we are currently looking for a Financial Settlement Analyst who will maintain an intensive collaboration and communication with the team in Switzerland. You will assure and contribute to the settlement trading processing of our customers, counterparties, DSO's and TSO's, which includes securing of the operative settlement of the electricity, gas, certificate, coal and oil contracts and the corresponding derivatives traded by the originators and the traders

Junior Gas Operations Specialist at Axpo Bulgaria

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

As a Gas Operations Specialist, you will support all Energy Trading activities of the group across Europe and be a crucial part of the international operations delivery team.

Furthermore, this function will be responsible to identify and eliminate any potential data inaccuracies in order to ensure the provision of high-quality services.

Стажант-репортер по стажантската програма на БНР

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

Българското национално радио като национална обществена медия се ангажира с инициатива в подкрепа на младите хора и създаде стажантска програма, с която се дава възможност на студенти да придобият практически опит в реална среда. 

В тази връзка медията набира кандидати за участие в подбор за заемане на длъжност – стажант-репортер по стажантската програма на БНР.
