
Junior Business Analyst - Acibadem City Clinic

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

Junior Business Analyst

Acibadem City Clinic is the largest group of hospitals with a leading market position in Bulgaria. It is part of the global health group - IHH Healthcare Berhad ( "IHH"). IHH leads integrated health activities and related services and is the second largest worldwide private healthcare company.

Стажант в отдел „Осигуряване на качеството и лаборатория“ в „ГудМилс България“ ЕООД

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/966" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Надя Стоянова</span></span>

И през тази година „ГудМилс България“ ЕООД провежда своята стажантска програма. Дружеството е сред най-големите и модерни мелници на Балканския полуостров и е част от австрийския холдинг GoodMills Group.

Стажът е организиран в отдел „Осигуряване на качеството и лаборатория“. Отделът е оборудван с високотехнологични уреди, а екипът е съставен от изключителни специалисти. На стажантите е осигурено възнаграждение.

Стажантска програма 2022 - Тева

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

Стажантска програма 2022

Търсиш кариерно развитие и първи професионални стъпки? Искаш да усетиш динамиката на фармацевтичния бизнес и да придобиеш нови знания и умения? Време е за осъществяване на твоя индивидуален план! Не се колебай и кандидатствай сега! Инвестирай в себе си чрез стаж в Teva - водеща международна компания.

Ежегодна стажантска програма в заводите в Дупница и Троян. Продължителност на стажа между 2 и 6 месеца от юни до ноември.

IBM Internship Program in Client Innovation Center

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

IBM Internship Program in Client Innovation Center


At IBM, work is more than a job – it’s a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you’ve never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world’s most challenging problems? If so, lets talk.

Travel Support Representative with Dutch for Digital travel company

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>


We need your expertise!

Be a part of our dynamic team today and help us grow. If you are passionate about travel, then this is role for you. One of the world’s largest travel marketplaces, our new client makes it easier for everyone to experience the world by offering memorable travel experiences, a variety of transportation options, and incredible places to stay.

Travel Support Representative with Swedish for Digital travel company

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

Travel Support Representative with Swedish for Digital travel company

We need your expertise!

Be a part of our dynamic team today and help us grow. If you are passionate about travel, then this is role for you. One of the world’s largest travel marketplaces, our new client makes it easier for everyone to experience the world by offering memorable travel experiences, a variety of transportation options, and incredible places to stay.

Travel Support Representative with Danish for Digital travel company - Concentrix

<span rel="sioc:has_creator"><span class="username" xml:lang="" about="/?q=user/2317" typeof="sioc:UserAccount" property="foaf:name" datatype="">Мария Илиева</span></span>

Travel Support Representative with Danish for Digital travel company

We need your expertise!

Be a part of our dynamic team today and help us grow. If you are passionate about travel, then this is role for you. One of the world’s largest travel marketplaces, our new client makes it easier for everyone to experience the world by offering memorable travel experiences, a variety of transportation options, and incredible places to stay.
